Health programs

For everyone who wants to get rid of health problems, balance the body and strengthen health, we offer various health programs: Cleansing the body
  • Weight correction
  • Stress management and relaxation
  • Treatment of allergies
  • Cosmetology and Renewal
  • Food intolerance test
 More detailed information on each procedure will be published shortly. And so far, we suggest contacting contact us directly and expeditiously to get all the information you need!

Healing Sea Salt Room

The “Ostemeda” Rehabilitation Center has a state-of-the-art salt room equipped with German manufacturing medical equipment, “SeaClimate“, which has been tested and licensed in accordance with German medical legislation and has the highest standards of quality and functionality. (0.5 – 5 microns) salt mist, does not damage clothing, and small mist particles easily penetrate the respiratory tract and are absorbed through the skin, while using halocameras or other sodium chloride salt dispensers, wet fog only reaches the throat. a 20-minute therapeutic session remains dry.